Parenting & Pregnancy

  • Pregnancy Massage with Bibi

    The musculoskeletal system plays a fundamental role in conception, pregnancy, birth and postpartum. If the muscles holding the structure are weak and unable to function to their designed roles, it not only brings discomfort and fatigue but affects the positioning of the internal organs. This opens the possibilities for complications, risks, pain and even, most painfully, shattered dreams.

    You will experience better sleep, better breathing, relief of low back pain, shoulder and neck pain, less oedema and more balance emotional, cognitive and physical well-being.

    Other times available, please just contact to choose a different time. A course of regular sessions is recommended.

    £130 for 1 hour treatment

  • Reflexology for Fertility or Pregnancy with Bibi

    Reflexology is a therapeutic tool that has been known to be effective in assisting with fertility by helping to improve hormonal balance, the menstrual cycle, and so aid in conception.

    By promoting better blood flow to the reproductive organs, which in turn encourages the discharge of toxins, movement of pelvic congestion, and a decrease in inflammation, this age-old healing technique may assist to boost fertility. These effects may also help to reduce pain. An increase in circulation implies that blood carrying nutrients and oxygen goes to the reproductive organs, improving the health of the reproductive tissues.

    Reflexology can help with symptoms associated with PMS, irregular menstrual cycles, hormonal imbalance, endometriosis, Uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, PCOS. It can also be of help in preparation for IUI/IVF treatments. Wonderful throughout pregnancy (post 1 st Trimester) to maintain cleansing of toxins and boost the flow of lymph and nutrient heavy, oxygenated blood for you and your baby. Also helpful for lymphatic drainage of the ankles and legs.

    £130 for 1 hour

  • Pregnancy Align 1-1 with Bibi

    for Conception, Pregnancy and Beyond

    With these sessions, the specific needs of the body throughout pregnancy are addressed with programmes tailored to each trimester. You will experience better sleep, better breathing, relief of low back pain, shoulder and neck pain, less oedema and more balance emotional, cognitive and physical well-being.

    This is beneficial, along with a programme of Massage/Reflexology, for both mother and baby, as the endocrine system is balanced and circulation of vital fluids improves. This can be combined into 90 minutes sessions.

    £120 for 1 hour

  • Pregnancy or Fertility Alignment and Massage with Bibi

    Upgrade and combine a Pregnancy or Fertility Alignment Session and Alignment into a 90 minute session with Pregnancy Massage which stimulates the energetic pathways (meridians) of the body to remove any ‘blockages’ in the vital function of these pathways for improved health and support throughout your pregnancy.

    £195 for 90 minutes