Happy Me Movement for Children & Teens

  • Acupressure

    Acupressure for Teens (12-17)

    Being a teenager is tough. You’re trying to work it all out and are overloaded with exam pressure, peer pressure, self-imposed pressures…not to mention the muscular pressures of poor posture, not wanting to be too tall, growing too fast, TEXT NECK, the tight jaw and headaches that come with that, and the posture that comes from not being sure of yourself, pelvis tilted forward, head forward and down, general overall ‘slouch’…

    Acupressure helps to regulate the nervous system and create flow through energetic and vital fluid (lymph, oxygenated blood) blockages that can create a ‘disconnect’ with family, focus, even friends. The stretches and techniques involved relieve muscle tension and emotional tension, improve breathing and smooth out the hard edges of a turbulent time.

    £100 for 45 minutes

  • Children's 5 week Yoga Course (4-7)

    Through captivating stories, interactive games, and a range of delightful activities, we seamlessly blend movement, mindfulness, and relaxation. Delve into the countless benefits of children's yoga, where posture, balance, concentration, and heightened body awareness find their nurturing ground. Moreover, these sessions become a powerful ally in easing anxiety, equipping young hearts and minds with the skills to navigate life's complexities with tranquility and strength.


  • Children's 5 week Yoga Course (8-11)

    Introduce your children to the transformative world of yoga, where a multitude of benefits await. Our specialized yoga classes offer a holistic approach, addressing posture, balance, concentration, and heightened body awareness in a dynamic and engaging manner. As an added advantage, these sessions serve as a powerful tool in alleviating anxiety, equipping young minds with invaluable tools to navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience. Join us as we guide your children towards a path of physical well-being, mental clarity, and emotional strength.